March 2020 Newsletter

March Video Tip Clip: Ranking the 3 Most Popular Thigh Exercises

This month we’re kicking off a new theme for our video tip clips that will be continuing throughout the rest of 2020. Each month we’ll be looking at the 3 most popular exercises for each of our body parts. In the video above, Brady starts this new series with your thighs!

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Coming Back From Failure

I closed last month’s article by writing “Setting several little short term goals, instead of one giant long term goal, will give you more chances at success. And when little successes become a habit, big successes become far more attainable!” But what if you didn’t succeed?

For all the success stories I’ve been a part of over the past 16 years of training, I’ve certainly seen my share of un-achieved goals too. We all have. I’d be willing to bet each one of us knows more people who’ve fallen short of achieving their “after body” than those who’ve succeeded! In my mind, failure simply isn’t an option. If you fall short of achieving a goal, you simply get back up, dust yourself off and try again! But when a client suggested this idea to me a few days ago, I realized that…as was also acknowledged in last month’s article…I’m weird! So if that’s too simplistic of an expectation, how do we recover from failure and make our next attempt successful?

Einstein said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” And George Santayana said “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” So it’s safe to say that doing the same thing you did last time isn’t likely to work. Instead, analyze why you failed. Once you understand why you failed, you can work around it. For example: We all know to lose weight, we must consume fewer calories than we use. So if your plan to achieve a caloric deficit revolved around cutting out all carbohydrates…until you couldn’t take it anymore and binged on potato chips and birthday cake…perhaps you’d been too drastic and should settle for a few carbs, rather than no carbs!

One of my favorite quotes is from Tony Robbins. He said “There are no failures, only outcomes. As long as I learn something, I am succeeding.” Keep that in mind the next time you stumble on your path toward a goal. As long as you understand what happened and why, you can intelligently, strategically alter your approach and try again. Eventually, if you’re persistent enough, you’ll have no choice but to succeed!

Yours in health,

Robert Kennedy
President & CEO

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Avocado BLT Salad


  • 12 slices lean, center-cut bacon, cooked and chopped

  • 4 Roma tomatoes, chopped

  • 1/4 cup (58g) light mayonnaise

  • Pinch kosher salt

  • Fresh black pepper, to taste

  • 6 cups (450g) chopped Romaine lettuce

  • 1 medium Hass avocado, diced


In a medium bowl, combine the diced tomatoes with the mayonnaise, and season with a little salt and fresh cracked pepper. Set aside for about 10 minutes to let the tomatoes release their juices as this will be the “dressing” to your salad.

To serve, divide the chopped lettuce and tomatoes onto 4 plates, then top each with diced avocado and chopped bacon.

Serves: 4 | Serving Size: 2 cups

Nutrition information (per serving): Calories: 204; Total Fat: 14g; Saturated Fat: 3g; Monounsaturated Fat: 4g; Cholesterol: 28mg; Sodium: 361mg; Carbohydrate: 11g; Dietary Fiber: 4g; Sugar: 4g; Protein: 10g

Nutrition Bonus: Potassium: 604mg; Iron: 10%; Vitamin A: 103%; Vitamin C: 59%; Calcium: 4%

This recipe courtesy of: MyFitnessPal

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Robert Kennedy