CoronaVirus Update


3/13/2020 - 2:00 PM

At this time the City of Omaha has not ordered the closing of its’ community centers, so Common Ground is currently still open. Even if the gym closes, we still offer in-home personal training services, as we have since we opened for business in 2007. Now more than ever, this ultimate convenience may be worth your consideration. Additionally, Kristin and I have a particularly nice private studio in our own home. If you would like to train there as we navigate these next few days/weeks, that may be possible as well.

Bottom line: While I am not a doctor, it is my opinion that if we all make sure to eat a healthy diet, take our multivitamins, wash our hands, and make smart choices regarding our contact with others, most of us should still be able to keep up our daily exercise routines. After all, you can’t have fitness without wellness, and the opposite of wellness is illness. So stay healthy, use good hygiene and common sense…and we hope to see you at the gym!

Robert Kennedy