May 2024 Newsletter

Screenshot from video footage of the 4/26/2024 tornado ripping through Elkhorn. (Red marks simply denote the southern and northern edges of the funnel.


In last month’s video tip clip, I shared my thoughts on common “exercise aids” (i.e. wrist wrap gloves, weight belts & bar pads). I also promised to share a video in this month’s newsletter detailing “nutrition aids.” Unfortunately, that all went out the window with Friday’s horrific tornado.

In the aftermath, as so many of our friends and neighbors are digging out the rubble of their homes and trying to figure out a path forward, I’m choosing to keep this short and simple. We’ll run that nutrition clip, healthy recipes, etc. for our June issue. But for now, just please be advised that while Common Ground was closed over the weekend (functioning as a Red Cross shelter for those displaced from their homes), it will open as normal tomorrow (Monday) morning.

We look forward to seeing each of our clients there, as usual. Otherwise, our thoughts and prayers remain exclusively with our friends and neighbors as they work through this tragic moment in their lives.

Yours in health,

Robert M. Kennedy

President, CEO

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Robert Kennedy